Excel TEXT Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The TEXT formula in Excel is used to format numbers and dates into text strings with a specific format. For example, let’s say you have a number “12345” and you want to add “$” in front of it to make it look like ” $12345″. You can use the TEXT formula to do that. It’s […]

Excel REPT Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The REPT formula in Excel is like a copy-and-paste tool, but instead of having to copy and paste text over and over again, you can use this formula to repeat text as many times as you want! Here’s how you can use it: First, type the text that you want to repeat in a cell, […]

Excel PROPER Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

Do you have any text data that you want to look more neat and organized in Excel? The PROPER formula is a cool way to do just that! Think about a time when you wrote your name in all capital letters. It didn’t look as nice as when you wrote your name with the first […]

Excel UPPER Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The UPPER formula in Excel is like a magic spell that can change the letters in your words to be all big and loud! Let’s say you have a word “apple” written in your computer. But you want it to be in big letters, like “APPLE”. You can use the UPPER formula to make it […]

Excel LOWER Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The LOWER formula in Excel is a way to make all the letters in a word or phrase lowercase. Think of it like turning the caps lock off on your keyboard. So, if you have a word like “HELLO” and you use the LOWER formula, it will turn it into “hello”. It’s like making the […]

Excel LEN Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The LEN formula is like a tool that helps you count the number of letters in a word or words. It’s like counting the number of blocks in a tower. It’s that easy! So, let’s say if you have a word “Elephant”, the LEN formula will tell you that there are 8 letters in the […]

Excel CLEAN Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The Excel’s CLEAN formula is like a magic cleaner that helps make the data in a computer look clean and new again. It removes any extra non printable characters that are not needed and makes the data easy to read. Excel’s CLEAN function is a useful tool for removing non-printable characters from a cell or […]

Excel MID Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The MID formula in Excel is like a magic tool that helps you take out a part of a big word or sentence that you want to see. Imagine you have a big word like “banana” and you just want to see the middle part “nan”, MID formula can help you do that. Just like […]

Excel SUBSTITUTE Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The SUBSTITUTE formula in Excel is a way to change certain words or letters in a sentence. Imagine you have a sentence that says “I like cookies”, but you want it to say “I like cake”. You can use the SUBSTITUTE formula to change the word “cookies” to “cake”. It’s like playing with building blocks, […]

Excel TRIM Function – Formula, Examples, How to Use?

The TRIM formula in Excel is a way to clean up extra spaces in a piece of text. Imagine you have a sentence that has a lot of extra spaces at the beginning and end, like ” hello “. The TRIM formula will take that sentence and make it look like “hello” with no extra […]